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Why it’s Important to Hire a Substance Abuse Recovery Coach
Mar 8, 2022

Why it’s Important to Hire a Substance Abuse Recovery Coach

Deciding to give up drugs and alcohol is never easy and it usually requires a lot of hard work. However, choosing to get sober is one of the best and most important decisions you’ll ever make.

If you are thinking about getting sober, you should always seek professional help. Staying accountable and dedicated to your sobriety is extremely difficult, especially if you are attempting to do so on your own. Because of this, hiring a substance abuse recovery coach is highly recommended.

Recovery coaches can help you overcome the challenges of early sobriety. From dealing with triggers and temptations to helping you adjust to sobriety in everyday life – a recovery coach will be here with you through it all.

Understanding the Challenges of Early Sobriety

Early sobriety brings about many challenges, especially once you transition from a treatment facility to everyday life. Dealing with new triggers, drug cravings, and uncomfortable emotions is enough to send anyone over the edge. Thankfully, seasoned recovery coaches like Michael Herbert are experienced in helping you overcome any challenge you face.

Examples of typical challenges people face in early recovery include:

Transitioning Home

Leaving the comfort and safety of a treatment facility can be extremely difficult. When you become used to the level of structure and accountability rehab programs provide, transitioning home can be scary. Unfortunately, without proper guidance, this can cause a relapse.

This is a prime example of why it is important to hire a substance abuse recovery coach. They can help you adjust to life at home and everything that comes with it.

Triggers and Cravings

Early recovery will be one of the most vulnerable stages of your recovery. It is extremely common to deal with new triggers and strong cravings that make you want to pick the drugs or alcohol back up.

Common triggers you may experience during early recovery include:

  • Stress
  • People, places, or things connected to drug and alcohol abuse
  • Toxic relationships
  • Challenging emotions
  • Seeing or smelling your old drug of abuse
  • Parties, birthdays, and holidays

However, having a recovery coach who can provide you with coping mechanisms and support can make all of the difference.

Uncomfortable Emotions

If you’re like many people who struggle with addiction, you probably abused drugs or alcohol to numb painful emotions or memories. Early recovery is all about learning how to cope with uncomfortable emotions rather than numbing them with substances. Old memories or feelings may begin to arise, which could cause you to begin thinking about abusing substances.

Recovery coaches will teach you healthy coping mechanisms to work through your emotions rather than running from them. This could include meditation, journaling, and even therapy.


It is important to recognize that addiction is a chronic disease. Because of this, relapse is not uncommon. Many individuals have experienced one or two relapses throughout their recovery journey.

The important thing is knowing how to come back from a relapse. An addiction recovery coach can help you decipher whether you’ll need to return to detox and treatment. In other words, they can provide you with the resources you need to get back on track in your recovery.

What Does a Recovery Coach Do?

Recovery coaches create a partnership with you based on mutually established recovery goals. Examples of recovery coaching goals could include reaching one year of sobriety, learning how to cope with triggers, and even finding a job.

Once goals are established, the recovery coach will help you create a strategy to meet your goals and enhance your quality of life. Overall, recovery coaching is about teaching you new ways to behave that improve personal and professional growth.

A substance abuse recovery coach will help you with the following:

  • Providing you with addiction recovery services like intervention and aftercare
  • Referring you to addiction treatment
  • Case management services
  • Group, individual, and family counseling
  • Structured Family Recovery services
  • Improving your communication skills
  • Providing support to you and your family members
  • Helping you recover from past traumas
  • Referring you to mental health services

How Can a Substance Abuse Recovery Coach Help Me Stay Sober?

A recovery coach’s job is to provide you with the tools, services, and support you need to remain sober and successful. Most of the job revolves around making positive changes in the way you think and behave to prevent a future relapse from occurring.

Recovery from addiction is difficult. It is something that requires a lot of support from others. One of the best things about recovery coaches is their dedication to making you feel supported and accountable for your sobriety. Oftentimes, recovery coaches will even attend meetings with you to motivate you to keep going.

Overall, recovery coaches help you feel less alone, provide you with healthy coping mechanisms, and support you in times of need.

Hire Michael Herbert: A Seasoned Substance Abuse Recovery Coach Today

Michael Herbert, The Recovery Guide, has more than 30 years of experience working closely with individuals and families dealing with addiction and recovery issues. He is a seasoned Coach and can help you and your family establish long-term goals and access the tools you need for continued abstinence and recovery for the entire family. Get in touch with Michael today at 561-221-7677 to schedule an appointment.