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How Women Are Affected By Alcohol
Aug 31, 2021

How Women Are Affected By Alcohol

For years it’s been commonly assumed that alcohol misuse and its related problems are more commonly seen in men.
On the contrary, research demonstrates increasing rates of alcohol abuse in women. Studies show up to 13% of women admitting to binge drinking and 8% are reported to have an alcohol abuse disorder.

Alcohol Affects Women Differently
Studying the effects of alcohol on women is important because it affects them differently as compared to men.
Due to different body structures and hormones, lower levels of alcohol can affect women more adversely as compared to men. Credit to the difference in metabolism, alcohol is absorbed more quickly but digested more slowly in women.
This is why, when men and women drink the same amount of alcohol, women get higher blood alcohol levels.
It is due to this reason, a smaller amount and a shorter duration of consumption can cause a myriad of adverse health effects in women.

Negative Effects of Alcohol in Women
While excessive use of alcohol isn’t good for anyone, it’s especially bad for women.
Here are some side effects of alcohol consumption in women:
Alcoholism, or alcohol abuse disorder, is a mental illness that can be chronic and relapsing. It is characterized by an uncontrolled desire to consume alcohol, irrespective of the repercussions. It has several social, mental, and physical adverse effects.
2.Liver Damage
The liver is one of the main organs that gets damaged due to high levels of alcohol consumption. It leads to a chronic condition called liver cirrhosis, which is a form of liver failure that causes problems over an extended period of time.
According to national data, the rates of liver cirrhosis are about 20-30% higher in women. And alcohol consumption seems to be the most common documented cause for it.
3.Brain Damage
Alcohol negatively affects brain function by causing cognitive decline (which is a decrease in higher mental functions like memory, intelligence, calculation, etc). It also causes brain shrinkage over time.
These effects are seen in women sooner than in men. Research shows that teenage females who drink heavily are more likely to have lower IQ levels compared to men who drink the same amount.
Women are also more prone to alcohol-related blackouts. These are post hangover gaps in memory of events that happened while they were drunk.
4.Heart Problems
Alcohol consumption causes damage to the heart muscle, which impairs its ability to pump blood more efficiently.
Unfortunately, women who drink alcohol suffer heart damage with lower levels of alcohol.
5.Breast Cancer
Drinking alcohol increases the risk of breast cancer in women by 5-9% compared to women who don’t drink at all. Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women and a cause of significant morbidity and mortality.
6.Reproductive Problems
Alcohol is said to mess with women’s monthly menstrual cycle, which can ultimately lead to problems when trying to conceive a baby. A lot of doctors recommend you to stop drinking when you’re planning to have a baby.
This is to increase your chance of conceiving but also to prevent any problems that might arise in the baby.

How to Prevent these Problems?
While it might be difficult for a lot of women to entirely quit alcohol, you can always control your drinking habits.
Here are some ways you can do that:
1.Try stopping, remember that for some stopping drinking cold turkey could lead to medical problems of even death, so you might be better served talking to a medical professional first and get there take on quitting and or addressing your drinking.
2.Go on-line and look up self-help meeting such as AA and listen to one or two online to see if it makes sense for you to pursue further.
3.If you drink alcohol as a form of stress-coping mechanism, find other things that could help you do that. Try a hobby like meditating or yoga to help you instead.

What to do If You or Anyone You Think Has a Drinking Problem?
If you think you or a loved one might be suffering from a drinking problem, here are some things that might help.
1.Recognize it as a problem. A lot of people tend to overlook a drinking issue but here are some signs to recognize it early on:
● There’s a history of alcoholism in the family
● They drink a lot more often than one normally does. Often at day time, or at work, or any time where one shouldn’t be drinking
● They tend to get irritable if they don’t get access to a drink
● They might be neglecting duties or responsibilities because of drinking
● They might be demonstrating reckless behavior, or doing things they normally wouldn’t do
● They might have frequent memory gaps due to drinking
2.Try confronting them about it utilizing an interventionist
3.Encourage them to seek help from a professional if need be
4.Engae in an alcoholic support group or seek help from a sober coach
5.Be kind to yourself or your loved one if they’re suffering from an alcohol abuse problem

Everything is Okay in Moderation!
While it’s important for both men and women to monitor their alcohol consumption, women need to be a little more cautious given that alcohol tends to affect them more adversely.
However, a drink here and there is completely okay! Just remember to balance it out with plenty of healthy habits.

And if you or anyone you know suffers from a drinking problem, it’s never too late to seek help. It would also be best to help them get a recovery coach or a  recovery guide . A lot of people have recovered from their drinking problems in the past, there is no reason why you or your loved ones can’t.

Offering a Helping Hand!
Michael Herbert has more than 25 years of experience working closely with individuals and families. Michael is a seasoned addiction professional providing all aspects of care from interventions to continued care and beyond.

Michael will help you and your family establish long-term goals and access the tools you need for lasting recovery.

Get in touch with Michael today at 561-221-7677 to schedule an appointment.