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Holistic Recovery: An Individualized Approach
Apr 24, 2018

Holistic Recovery: An Individualized Approach

Addiction has historically been something no one imagined being faced with when dreaming about what the future might hold. Even less consideration was given to what recovery might look like for those in that situation.  Now, with the opioid epidemic spanning all boundaries of class and culture, life-threatening addiction has managed to touch virtually every life in some way. Those who aren’t addicts know one, and everyone is more vulnerable to unwittingly becoming one.  As scientists gain a better understanding of how addiction occurs, so does society, and consideration for the number and types of addictions is expanding.  One important result, whether substance-related or behavior-related, is that recovery focusing on every aspect of the individual is a growing norm.  While no one is guaranteed a full recovery from addiction, properly managed care, a healthy lifestyle, appropriate stress-management techniques, and community support can help make recovery a realistic long-term success for more people.

Managed Care

Certainly, the first step is finding a treatment program that works for your specific addiction, individual needs, and personal attitudes.  This can be inpatient or outpatient depending on individual needs and financial resources, but any program you choose should include some form of aftercare treatment. While medical detoxification and management programs are imperative for some addictions, not all will require that type of managed care.  If it is required, it should not be ignored, but when it is not required, it should never be forced.  Recovery has to be something the individual wants, or it is nothing more than false hope for those who love them.

Healthy Lifestyle

Beyond traditional medical detox needs, all recovery programs should be part of a holistic approach to help maintain long-term success. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including exercising and eating a balanced diet, is a critical factor.

Food choices can aid or hinder detoxification efforts, particularly in substance addiction where hunger can often be confused with cravings for the substance that was being abused. Meal preparation should be based on the nutritional deficiencies and other health needs of the individual.

Stress Management

In addition to diet and exercise, holistic recovery includes finding better ways to manage stress. This includes complementary therapies and alternative medicine like acupuncture, massage, and biofeedback therapy. Restorative techniques like yoga and meditation can also be helpful. These can be effective for addressing everyday stressors that may have led the individual down the path of addiction, or that are simply residual effects from the damage caused by it. They also help in establishing a routine, which is a great tool for preventing relapse. By learning new techniques for overcoming stress, individuals may also be increasing their receptiveness to other forms of therapy and other recovery techniques.

Community Support

The importance of community is another element of holistic recovery that cannot be ignored. The effects of a supportive community are substantial and increase the likelihood of a successful long-term recovery.  Prevention and education programs also help families and neighbors better understand addiction.  When others believe recovery is not a lost cause, and the stigma of addiction is reduced or removed, it is easier to ask for help.

While the opioid crisis is still a major public concern, its breadth has challenged many assumptions about addiction and treatment in general.  Through community programs that increase education and support, and holistic programs that provide more individualized treatment, the outlook for long-term addiction recovery is more optimistic than ever.